Disease Conditions

Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa


These are the most common eating disorders in the young, especially; in healthy women who develop a fear of becoming fat. It usually begins in the teens. It can be mainly seen in the middle class families than in the poor families. The driving force is the pursuit of thinness rather than any other aspect of life.


  • Anorexia nervosa: result of self-starvation
  • Bulimia nervosa: This is a condition characterized by alternate self-starving and self-induced vomiting.


The current social pressures to maintain a slim figure has an adverse impact on the females of the newer generation.

Some females having history of obesity, after being teased by family and friends, stick to an extreme course of dieting.

Risk factors:

  • Idealization of thin form of figure
  • Family history of any eating disorder or mood disorder or substance abuse disorders

Screening and diagnosis

Anorexia nervosa in early stages, following changes are seen:
  • Physically, these people are thin but very active and perform regular exercise
  • There is profound weight loss, but despite this, they deny hunger, thinness and fatigue
  • Even if they have to eat more in certain social circumstances, you will find that these people tend to induce vomiting immediately after eating
  • The first adverse effect you will notice in these people is weight loss, followed by amenorrhea (absence of menses), which is further followed by other physical changes of anorexia
  • Constipation and cold intolerance are common in these people
  • They disguise emaciation by wearing loosely fitting clothes
  • When weight is checked on scales, they hide heavy objects in clothing
In the advanced stages, we can see following changes:
  • The person becomes so thin that the bones protrude through the skin and the body fat becomes undetectable
  • We can also see edema of the face and parotid enlargement (which masks the emaciation)
  • Cardio vascular system changes: They can get the symptoms of low Blood pressure. Their pulse rate is also on the lower side
  • Skin changes: extraordinary growth of hair (hirsutism), dryness, yellowish ness of skin (carotenaemia)

Diagnostic criteria

  • Weight loss of at least 25% of the total body weight
  • Avoidance of high calorie food
  • If there is distortion of the body weight, so that, the patient regard themselves fat even when grossly underweight
  • Intense fear of becoming fat

Bulimia nervosa

  • The patient eats large amounts of food and he is aware of his abnormal eating patterns
  • He knows, but, can’t stop his act of eating? becomes depressed after eating? Induces vomiting
  • They maintain secrecy about their eating - vomiting sequence
  • Other behavioral disorders are common with these people, stealing food items is also very common
  • Alcohol and drug abuse rates are high in these people
  • They usually have fluctuating weights

Diagnostic criteria

  • Recurrent bouts of binge eating
  • Lack of self-control over eating during binges
  • Self-induced vomiting, purging, or dieting after binges
  • Weight usually maintained within normal limits


Anorexia nervosa:

  • Hypokalemia may lead to cardiac arrhythmias. (Irregular heart beat)
  • Sudden death may result from ventricular tachyarrhythmia.

Bulimia nervosa:

  • Hypokalemia, cardiac arrhythmia may occur
  • Esophageal or gastric rupture
  • Aspiration of the contents from the stomach into the lungs


  • The first aim of treatment is to restore the body weight to normal. This can be done by setting different targets and finally achieving the target weight which is normal for the patient's age and sex
  • Psychotherapy may be required if the patient refuses to eat
  • Good supportive care should be provided by the physician and the family members
  • In some cases, parenteral nutrition may be required

Scope of Homoeopathy treatment

Anorexia is not seen as a disease per se, but it is considered to be a symptom of mental or emotional problem like stress, anxiety, fear, depression etc.

Homoeopathic constitutional medicines are given considering the patient's mental and psychological make up. This is achieved by a thorough case- taking of the patient’s totality of symptoms along with social, physical, emotional, intellectual etc. aspects of the patient's life.

The childhood history of the patient ‘s relationships with parents, friends and various other behavioral aspects are given more focus for the prescription of accurate remedy as well as for counseling purposes.

Homeopathy helps in improving the emotional disturbances like shyness, irritability and feeling of self-worthlessness associated with anorexia. Also with the help of Homeopathy, patient’s errors in metabolism is rectified and age-appropriate weight according to individual's height is restored.

How Happy Livin will help you?

Happy Livin Healthcare is a leading name in the field of Homeopathy, Nutrition and Wellness. We come with a rich experience of 16 years. We are experts in Online Homeopathic and Diet treatment. We have a defined treatment protocol which covers in-depth analysis and evaluation of the patient so that the desired results are achieved. We bring the best quality of treatment at your doorstep. We deliver Homeopathic medicines across the world currently reaching to 100 plus locations globally.

Patient care:

  • The patient's vital signs, electrolyte balance, daily fluid intake and output, food type and amount, weight, should be monitored
  • The patient should be provided with small and nutritional meals frequently, which the patient may accept easily
  • The patient's activities are strictly monitored so that vomiting and exercise can be avoided
  • Argument about food or weight should be avoided in front of the patient